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Saturday Academy Featured Photo

Saturday Academy

Our first Saturday school is this Saturday. Do you need to make up an absence, help completing assignments, or just want to do something fun? Check out the flyer and Get your permission slips turned in ASAP. Extra slips are in the office.
School is open! Featured Photo

School is open!

Good Morning Snowline,

Snowline schools reopen on Monday, September 23rd! We’re excited to welcome everyone back. See you then!
Postponing Patriot's Day Assembly Featured Photo

Postponing Patriot's Day Assembly

Good afternoon Pinon Mesa Families,

Out of an abundance of caution due to the current air quality concerns and the ongoing fires, we will be postponing our Patriot's Day Assembly. This is a very important day to us, and we are currently looking at dates to reschedule. The new date will be announced as soon as it is decided. We want to make sure to prioritize the health and safety of our staff, students and families. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.

Buenas tardes familias de Pinon Mesa,

Por precaución debido a las preocupaciones actuales sobre la calidad del aire y los incendios en curso, pospondremos nuestra Asamblea del Día del Patriota. Este es un día muy importante para nosotros y actualmente estamos buscando fechas para reprogramar. La nueva fecha se anunciará tan pronto como se decida. Queremos asegurarnos de priorizar la salud y la seguridad de nuestro personal, estudiantes y familias. Gracias por su comprensión en este asunto.

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